Upcoming Events
December 30, 2024
December 31, 2024
January 1, 2025
January 2, 2025
January 3, 2025
January 6, 2025
January 7, 2025
January 14, 2025
6:30 PM - 7:30 PM School Board Meeting
January 20, 2025
February 10, 2025
Vision & Mission Statements
Message from Dr. Glaze
Tipton Community School Corporation – a school community where we, the students, parents, patrons and school community, are providing quality education in a safe environment for each student.
The Tipton community is a progressive, rural area just north of Indianapolis. Our total school enrollment is approximately 1,460. We are large enough to offer many wonderful academic and extra-curricular programs yet small enough to know our students as individual learners.
Tipton Community schools have at the heart of our mission to ensure all students have the opportunity to attain their scholastic, social, and personal potential so they can contribute productively as citizens, employees, and leaders in our society. We strive toward excellence in education now so our students can achieve excellence through application in the future.
Students can take advantage of numerous curricular, co-curricular, and extra-curricular programs that are offered in the schools of Tipton. Our schools strive to meet the diverse needs of all students from those with high abilities to those with special needs. Technology applications are woven throughout the curriculum with computer labs operational at all buildings.
Tipton Community School Corporations' successes have been many. Future challenges will be met through the continued cooperation of the entire community.
Corp Office Staff
Office Staff:
Dr. Ryan Glaze, Superintendent
Scott Jaworski, Assistant Superintendent
Steven Gingerich, Director of Technology
Dan Benefiel, Director of Building Maintenance
Eric Johnson, Director of Facilities
Brook Cleaver, Corporation Treasurer
Emma Crawford, Deputy Treasurer
Holly Brandon, Executive Secretary
Dawn Benefiel, Accounts Payable
Ask the Superintendent
Is there something you'd like to ask our superintendent? Feel free to send him an email and voice your questions.
Note: responses will be timely, but not necessarily daily.
Into the Blue Podcast
Education is an ever-changing field. Tune in to Dr. Glaze's Into the Blue podcast to hear his thoughts! Guest speakers, including Mr. Jaworski, may make an appearance.
Rethinking High School
Read Dr. Jenner's report to the State Board of Education in March and let us know what you think.