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- Tipton Community School Corporation
- Transportation FAQ
Transportation FAQ
How do I know when the bus will arrive?
Parents receive a phone call from the bus driver about two weeks prior to the start of school. The driver will inform them of the time and place of the stop.
If a student attends the Boys and Girls club, that is their default drop off location. If the student doesn't bring a note to the school requesting otherwise, they will be dropped off at the Boys and Girls club.
How do I request a bus stop for my student?
If the student doesn't already have an assigned bus, the parent needs to contact the school. Parents can speak to Laurie Crawford, ex. 324, or send her an email.
How long is a bus ride?
We try to schedule bus routes to be no longer than an hour long for students.
How many students can ride the bus?
We have both 72 and 84-passenger buses, so your student will have opportunities to make new friends!
How often are buses checked and maintenance performed?
Buses are checked before and after every route. During these checks, inspection reports are filled out. If maintenance is needed, work is completed in a timely fashion.
How often are evacuation drills performed?
Evacuation drills are conducted once per semester within the first forty-five days of the semester. This helps prepare students for any potential issues that may arise.
Is the bus safe for my student to ride?
Most of our buses are equipped with seatbelts. Buses are considered safer for student transport than 'regular' vehicles.
Is there a cost for students to ride the bus?
There is currently no cost for students to ride the bus. Simply request a bus stop and your student will be able to ride!
My child is being bullied on the bus. What do I do?
If your child is having issues with another student on the bus, report the problem to both the bus driver and the appropriate school office. We want to maintain a safe environment for all children on and off the bus.
What if I have an issue with the bus driver?
If you're having problems with your designated driver, please contact the Corporation Office.
What if my child wants to ride a different bus home?
To request a different bus, a parent must submit a signed request (note) to the appropriate building office. Children may only ride a different bus due to childcare issues.
Who is driving the bus?
A licensed bus driver drives the bus. To be able to drive a bus, the driver must have special training and obtain certification from IDOE and BMV.